Relapse to Renew Programme2023-09-29T16:39:02+01:00

Relapse to Renew Programme

6-week course – £199

Hello,  I’m Naomi.

I’m a Nutritional Therapist and Integrative Health Coach.

I was diagnosed with MS in 2019. I remember when I found out the diagnosis and I felt a bit lost. I didn’t really know much about the disease. I did know I wanted to help myself with my diet and lifestyle to help support the condition. It was a scary time and I remember not wanting to research about it myself as I was afraid about what the information might tell me. After a few months coming to terms with the diagnosis and the “new me”, I started delving deeper into nutrition and lifestyle changes that would help me. I saw my own nutritionist and I made changes to what I was eating, as well as my lifestyle. I was amazed at how much better I felt!

I wanted to share my experiences with other people who has been diagnosed and be a beacon of positivity for others that felt like I did in 2019. This is when I decided to study to be a Nutritional Therapist and Health Coach. I qualified in 2021 and 2022. I wanted to offer a service to people who are now going through this same situation as I did, lending them a helping hand on their wellbeing journey, from someone who has been in their shoes.

  • Have you recently been diagnosed with MS?

  • Are you unsure how health and lifestyle changes will help you?

  • Do you feel bombarded with so much information online and not sure which way to go?

  • Are you eager to speak to someone who has gone through the same situation as you and can relate to how you feel?

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With the Relapse to Renew Programme, imagine if..

  • You can get clarity on how nutrition and lifestyle changes can help support your condition.

  • You have someone who understands the feelings you are going through and can help give you guidance and information about nutrition and lifestyle choices.

  • You can feel calmer and more in control.

  • You can feel healthier and have more energy.

Within the Relapse to Renew Programme, we go on a journey through 6 pillars..

  • Week One – Getting to know you session – We talk about your story, about MS and how it affects you, and what you want to achieve from our sessions.

  • Week Two – Nutrition – We will delve into good nutrition and how this can help you as well as other diets that help support MS

  • Week Three – Mindset – This week we will look at changing negative perspectives into more positive ones and how we can promote mental health.

  • Week Four – Movement – How exercise can help promote health and find activities you enjoy doing.

  • Week 5 – Stress and triggers – This week we will look at how stress can affect MS. We will focus on what causes you stress, what it does to your body and how to combat it.

  • Week 6 – Moving forward – This is the week we bring everything together. Looking at how far you have come, what you have achieved, what you have enjoyed and what you have learnt. I will also provide lots of tools for you to carry on your journey moving forward.

Each week you will receive

  • A module to watch as well as a workbook.

  • You will also have a 1 hour one-to-one video call/phone call (whichever you prefer) with me to chat about how you are getting on, looking at goals you want to set and how to achieve them and about the module of the week as well as answer any questions you may have.

I’m hoping this programme will give you all the information you will need to start this journey and be there to support you through it.
(Please note – I cannot give medical advice on medications, and I cannot diagnose. But I can help guide you to reach your health and wellbeing goals which may help support your condition).

To find out more or to book onto the programme, book a free consultation with me.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I don’t live close to you – Can you still help me?

    Definitely! I have helped clients using Zoom calls as well as over the phone from around the country! Information can be given via email too or I’m happy to post if that is easier for you? :)

  • Do I have to complete the programme in 6 weeks?

    No you don’t. I have broken the programme down into 6 core pillars but these can be taken at your own pace that suits you and your life. This could be once a week, fortnightly or even monthly! No pressure with this.

  • What happens if the programme isn’t right for me?

    I always offer discovery calls with my potential clients. This helps you get clarity on whether this is right for you and if I’m the right person to help you on your journey. It also gives me a chance to get to know how I can help you. These are completely free of charge and can be taken via a phone call or zoom call, whichever is best for you.

  • Why do you charge the prices you do?

    This is something I took a lot of time over and is something that’s come from my heart and what I’m comfortable with. My main aim is to help people. I wanted to make sure if was affordable for as many people as I could.

  • I’m ready to sign up! How do I go about this?

    Fantastic! Drop me an email or book a call with me via the website and we can find a good time to chat. If this is right for you then I can send you an invoice, some more information about the programme, terms and conditions and ways to pay.

    Look forward to hearing from you!

Book A Clarity Call With Me
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“Thank you, Naomi, for all your help and guidance. I’ve learnt so much about realistic weight loss goals and how to be kinder to myself. My sleep has improved and now I have more energy.”

“Thank you, Naomi, for all your help and guidance. I’ve learnt so much about realistic weight loss goals and how to be kinder to myself. My sleep has improved and now I have more energy.”


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