Let’s keep in touch!

If you have any questions or are interested in working with us then click the ‘Schedule a Call’ button (above). Alternatively, please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.

Naomi Wells

Integrative Nutrition and Health Coach
  • We can feel healthier, happier, and more energetic

  • We can overcome our body confidence issues

  • We can set our own health goals and achieve them

  • We can feel more confident and aligned in our lives

  • We can work on our physical and mental wellbeing and feel happier in our own skin

  • We can support the body through illness and boost our immune system

  • We can feel rejuvenated and renewed

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“Thank you, Naomi, for all your help and guidance. I’ve learnt so much about realistic weight loss goals and how to be kinder to myself. My sleep has improved and now I have more energy.”

“Thank you, Naomi, for all your help and guidance. I’ve learnt so much about realistic weight loss goals and how to be kinder to myself. My sleep has improved and now I have more energy.”