Naomi Wells | Integrative Nutrition and Health Coach and Nutritional Therapist

My Story

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In 2013, I was a busy new mum of two girls (aged 2.5 and 6 months at the time!) I suffered from anxiety, I felt unhappy in my own body, and I didn’t really know who I was anymore. I used to look in the mirror and feel disgusted at what I saw looking back at me. I felt I had lost my spark, probably amplified due to lots of sleepless nights too!

I knew I wanted to change.

I just couldn’t find the motivation to do anything about it. I was always “too tired” or “too busy” or really, I just couldn’t see myself changing. This is who I was now, right?

I joined a weight loss club and I managed to lose 4 and a half stone. I was happy with the results and decided to join the weight loss company as a coach. I worked with them for over 2 years, and I loved helping people feel good about themselves, reaching their goals and feeling on top of the world. I loved supporting them through the tough times too, and at times we even cried together!

Although, I knew there was more to this. I felt like I was only helping people halfway. I knew how to help people lose weight, but this was only part of their journey; what about their mental health? The mindset? Their past limiting beliefs? Their knowledge on what foods healed and energised their bodies and the foods that were not?

And, Although I had lost the weight I wanted, why was a still not happy with myself? Why was I still suffering from anxiety and felt drained and stressed? I knew this chapter of my life wasn’t over.

In 2019, I was diagnosed with auto-immune disease which resulted in being hospitalised. It was the biggest wake up call of my life. I knew I had to change. This wasn’t as easy as just reducing my food intake to lose weight, I had to go deeper.

I researched a lot myself as well as seeing a nutritionist for information and guidance. I looked at WHAT I needed to eat, not just the calorie content, but what my body wanted. I also looked at what my body really didn’t need to be consuming too.

I joined a mindfulness and meditation course and started a yoga class. This is what I felt drawn to doing, like it was my gut telling me this was the route I needed to go down. It was so enlightening and empowering! I still practice yoga and meditation daily as part of my daily routine and I would not be without it! It is why

I have added these sections to my program.

I worked on my deep-rooted negative beliefs about myself and the world around me and my mindset.

18 months after diagnosis, I had amazing positive results from my MRI scans and no further progression of my illness. I felt better than I have ever felt, physically and mentally! I had no anxiety, I felt happy and calm – I felt like me! I now look in the mirror, I no longer just see the wobbly bits and battle scars – I see my wonderful body that has carried me through so much and I will be forever grateful for.

This is when I decided I wanted to help other people feel the same as I do. I qualified as a Level 5 Integrative Nutrition and Health Coach in 2021 and as a Level 6 Nutritional Therapist at the start of 2022. I’m proudly registered with the UK Health Coaches Association and the Federation Of Nutritional Therapy Practitioners.

I want to be that gentle nudge, the unjudgmental ear, the helping hand, and that cheerleader by their side to feel healthy, confident, happy, and renewed.

I believe my signature programs will do just that.

In 2013, I was a busy new mum of two girls (aged 2.5 and 6 months at the time!) I suffered from anxiety, I felt unhappy in my own body, and I didn’t really know who I was anymore. I used to look in the mirror and feel disgusted at what I saw looking back at me. I felt I had lost my spark, probably amplified due to lots of sleepless nights too!

I knew I wanted to change.

I just couldn’t find the motivation to do anything about it. I was always “too tired” or “too busy” or really, I just couldn’t see myself changing. This is who I was now, right?

I joined a weight loss club and I managed to lose 4 and a half stone. I was happy with the results and decided to join the weight loss company as a coach. I worked with them for over 2 years, and I loved helping people feel good about themselves, reaching their goals and feeling on top of the world. I loved supporting them through the tough times too, and at times we even cried together!

Although, I knew there was more to this. I felt like I was only helping people halfway. I knew how to help people lose weight, but this was only part of their journey; what about their mental health? The mindset? Their past limiting beliefs? Their knowledge on what foods healed and energised their bodies and the foods that were not?

And, Although I had lost the weight I wanted, why was a still not happy with myself? Why was I still suffering from anxiety and felt drained and stressed? I knew this chapter of my life wasn’t over.

In 2019, I was diagnosed with auto-immune disease which resulted in being hospitalised. It was the biggest wake up call of my life. I knew I had to change. This wasn’t as easy as just reducing my food intake to lose weight, I had to go deeper.

I researched a lot myself as well as seeing a nutritionist for information and guidance. I looked at WHAT I needed to eat, not just the calorie content, but what my body wanted. I also looked at what my body really didn’t need to be consuming too.

I joined a mindfulness and meditation course and started a yoga class. This is what I felt drawn to doing, like it was my gut telling me this was the route I needed to go down. It was so enlightening and empowering! I still practice yoga and meditation daily as part of my daily routine and I would not be without it! It is why

I have added these sections to my program.

I worked on my deep-rooted negative beliefs about myself and the world around me and my mindset.

18 months after diagnosis, I had amazing positive results from my MRI scans and no further progression of my illness. I felt better than I have ever felt, physically and mentally! I had no anxiety, I felt happy and calm – I felt like me! I now look in the mirror, I no longer just see the wobbly bits and battle scars – I see my wonderful body that has carried me through so much and I will be forever grateful for.

This is when I decided I wanted to help other people feel the same as I do. I want to be that gentle nudge, the unjudgmental ear, the helping hand, and that cheerleader by their side to feel healthy, confident, happy, and renewed.

I believe my signature programs will do just that ?

“Thank you, Naomi, for all your help and guidance. I’ve learnt so much about realistic weight loss goals and how to be kinder to myself. My sleep has improved and now I have more energy.”

“Thank you, Naomi, for all your help and guidance. I’ve learnt so much about realistic weight loss goals and how to be kinder to myself. My sleep has improved and now I have more energy.”


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